People from religions around the world express their faith in different ways. The common bond among people with faith – and those with no faith – is a connection to community, the sharing of common beliefs and traditions handed down from generation to generation.

The expression of our faith is not dissimilar to other mainstream religions, and while misunderstandings may arise from unfamiliarity with our beliefs, our faith is founded on a close connection to family and our fellow members, and a desire to do good and be of service.

Fellowship is central to our faith

We make a commitment to only eat and drink with those with whom we celebrate the Lord’s Supper, also known as Holy Communion. We celebrate the Lord’s Supper every Sunday in small groups, and this occasion of fellowship is our commitment to one another to live a life of purity, in line with scripture. 

For those unfamiliar with Christian teachings, this commitment may sound unusual or strange – we can understand that, but there is nothing mysterious about it. 

Fellowship with our Community does not mean we isolate ourselves from the world. We live and work harmoniously alongside all people, in the mainstream of society, interacting with the broader community, whether through our charity work, our schools or in business.  

Plymouth Brethren community picnic

We believe in the teachings of the Bible

Like all Christians, our Community is united in our shared Christian belief founded on the Holy Bible. We gather regularly in simple Gospel Halls to pray together, and we congregate every Sunday to celebrate the Lord’s Supper.

For our members, the Holy Bible is an essential companion and authoritative guide throughout life. From the earliest age, young members are read and taught the Bible stories that have inspired millions down through the ages.

The Bible is no ordinary book. It is a book provided by God for man. It is the absolute, infallible, inspired Word of God.

Two children reading the bible

We actively practice Christianity through care and compassion

We’re a Church built on traditional Christian values. Through service to our family, neighbours and extended local and global community, we believe in the power of putting our care and compassion into action.  

One way we contribute to society is through our charitable arm, the Rapid Relief Team (RRT), which is backed by 14,500 volunteers from our Community who actively offer a helping hand to emergency services, disadvantaged youth, the homeless and people with a disability.  

RRT Volunteer

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