There is a strong and generous charitable spirit among Brethren, with many willingly devoting their time contributing to philanthropic efforts to relieve the load on humanity.
There is a strong and generous charitable spirit among Brethren, with many willingly devote their time contributing to philanthropic efforts to relieve the load on humanity. Brethren appreciate, respect and support any worthy cause to relieve the suffering of men and women.
Fundraising and other activities such as food and clothing banks have provided substantial support to many charity and government organisations.
The Rapid Relief Team (RRT) is a global group of volunteers of all ages, dedicated to serving the community. As members of the Plymouth Brethren Christian Church, we strive to practice true Christianity in our way of life. This includes being compassionate, active and contributing citizens and doing what we can to help.
This long-held practice of helping others endures to today, under the banner of the Rapid Relief Team.
RRT is a non-profit organisation focussed on providing assistance and refreshments to emergency personnel and local communities during times of adversity.
Learn more about RRT and their latest operations and appeals by visiting their website.
It is an objective of the Brethren Church that all Brethren families be enabled to own their own homes.
Young people entering marriage are often assisted privately by church members through the provision of additional finance and voluntary labour to secure suitable housing in which they can raise a family and to which they can invite other Brethren for entertainment and accommodation.
Brethren adopt an objective of equality as a key principle governing housing selection to prevent status differentiation and to provide a social environment where all Brethren families can entertain each other at home without discrimination or unnecessary distinction. This initiative, which is still in progress, has greatly advanced worldwide during the last 30 years.
The generous giving spirit among Brethren provides a constant source of help for those in need. This benevolence is all embracing and includes financial, social, pastoral, family and health assistance, and may involve guidance, training and ongoing support.
Poverty amongst Brethren is rare but all people in needy circumstances have ready access to detailed assistance and care within the Brethren community.
One of our priority objectives is to provide every member of the Church with the opportunity to be equal with other members. We do not want class distinctions to cause dysfunction, friction or division between any members of our community.
The Brethren value the extended family and we prefer our ageing members to remain in their own homes for as long as practical.
Where care is required, we try to ensure it is provided in the extended family home, taking advantage of any help provided by national governments. Respite facilities, including nursing homes and supervised accommodation, are only accessed when the care required is beyond what can be provided in the home.
The decision to admit aged people to other facilities is taken only with expert medical advice and with full government assessment and supervision. At present the Brethren do not own nursing homes or supported living units but feasibility studies are being undertaken.
Elderly people in the Church are a constant and valued part of the life of the Church and of the Brethren community.
For God loves a cheerful giver.